Human rights are like armor – they protect us; they are like rules - they tell us how to behave; and they are like arbitrators - we can turn to them. They are abstract - like emotions, and like emotions, they belong to everyone and exist, no matter what happens around them.
They are similar to nature because they can be despised; and with spirit, because they cannot be destroyed. Like time, they treat us all equally: rich and poor, old and young, white and black, tall and short. They offer us respect and require us to treat others with respect. They are like goodness, truth, and justice: we may disagree about their definition, but we recognize them when we see them violated.
If we call something a human right, we mean that he reasonably claims to be protected by society in his ability to possess this right, by force of law or through education and the formation of public opinion.
A right is a claim that we rightly claim. I am entitled to items in my shopping cart if I have paid for them. Citizens have the right to elect a president if this is guaranteed by their country's constitution, and a child has the right to visit the zoo if his parents promised him that. People have the right to count on all this, provided that the other party has given appropriate promises or guarantees.
However, human rights are higher-level claims with one difference. They are not dependent on promises or guarantees from the other party. A person's right to life does not depend on another person's promise not to kill that person: his life may depend on it, but not the right to life. His right to life depends on only one thing: that he is a human being.
Ad prima utroque sed, ex eos prompta debitis, mea vitae verear contentiones ad. Erant ponderum euripidis ius id, no his atomorum ocurreret. Cibo adhuc probatus ea usu, atqui lobortis antiopam id vim. Aperiam perfecto ea pri, nec in placerat tractatos. An essent eripuit erroribus cum, ut purto epicurei adipisci vel.
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